2020: The year of the livestream
Because of corona we were all staying home in 2020 and all of a sudden it became the year of the livestream. Meetings were done via Skype, Zoom or Teams, lessons were turned into webinars and live events had to change into livestreams. In this post you’ll read about a few examples of different types of livestreams that we produced at KRO-NCRV:
Detectives: Live Q&A
Usually KRO-NCRV annually hosts a series of detective fan days at different locations throughout the Netherlands. The highlight of these days is without a doubt the Meet & Greet with an international Mystery Guest. Unfortunatly, this year we had to cancel the fan days, but we decided to host an online Meet & Greet online, a live Q&A with Emilia Fox (Silent Witness) in England. It was streamed to multiple Facebook-pages (using live crossposting) and our YouTube channel. It gave fans the oppurtunity to ask Emilia Fox everything they always wanted to know. For example: Are the body parts real? Or where can I sign up as an extra? A little reminder: If you’re organizing a livestream with an international guest, don’t forget to check the time zone. 😉
Check out the livestream with Emilia Fox on Facebook.
SpangaS: Live on set
During the first wave of the coronavirus, a lot of TV recordings were put on hold. Our teenage drama series SpangaS also had to pause filming due to concerns about covid-19. This was of course very stressful for our production team, but there was a silver lining. Usually we’re not able to go live on set when the season is airing, because filming is already done. But because of the delays it was possible in 2020. Actors were taking over the Instagram account to interact with their fans and show them around behind the scenes on our brand new set!
Betreden op eigen risico: Duo live
At the Instagram-channel of the Zapp show ‘Betreden op eigen risico’ (translated ‘Enter at your own risk’) tv-hosts Tim Senders and Daan Boom are not just going live, they are going duo live with their fans. Kids who are willing go live with them can be chosen to join the stream. Once they introduced themselves it’s time to press the red button of the ‘Randomizer’ to be given a funny challenge for the three of them. A lot of fans were totally star-struck. There was rapping, singing and a lot of laughing!

Not live, but also interesting: Every week in the Instagram-stories Tim and Daan were each promoting a box that contained a crazy challenge for the other person. They don’t reveal the exact challenge, but they do give a little hint. Kids can vote on their favorite box. The next day Tim and Daan open up the winning box, which could contain a challenge like: hug a cactus, brush your teeth with wasabi or put your finger in a mousetrap. Challenge accepted!
Zapp Detective: Live investigation and live interrogation
We started the year 2020 with a few innovative livestreams on YouTube, even before corona hit our country. Fans could help out the Zapp Detective solving a murder, by helping out in a live investigation of the crime scene and by interrogating the suspects. You can read all about this in my blog post Zapp Detective: an interactive murder mystery.
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