Didi's Blog

About transmedia and other pretty cool stuff

Freshers season 3

Transmedia storytelling: Freshers app

40,000 members posted over 275,000 messages in the Freshers app, containing 90,000 vo’s! The past few months I’ve been busy working on a transmedia project for the BNN dramaseries Feuten (Translation: Freshers). And it is on! Check our case video: H.S.C. Mercurius is brought to life The series Freshers is about the ups and downs of…

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Second screen

Screening second screenScreening second screen

It is totally hip and happening: second screen. More and more people watch television and use their devices at the same time. But how do those people use that device? And what are the opportunities for producers and advertisers? This is often misjudged. As creator of a second screen app you should really think about…

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Tim is a foxTim Loderus is een vos

Na 8 weken puzzeltjes en video’s in de Wie is Tim? app was het nu echt tijd voor de grote afsluiter. Een live-event. Dat werd tijd want de app begon zo langzamerhand best eentonig te worden, met steeds dezelfde spelletjes. Tim is nogal een sloddervos en heeft zijn spullen laten slingeren in het Westerpark in…

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GTST Wie is Tim?

Who the f is Tim?

Tonight is a big night for ‘Goede Tijden, Slechte Tijden’ (Good Times, Bad Times), the most popular Dutch soap. It’s the last episode before the summer stop, the cliffhanger… For the fans this means six weeks without updates from the fictional town Meerdijk, without intrigues and without all their favourite characters. There goes there daily…

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