Didi's Blog

About transmedia and other pretty cool stuff

Thea shows her ring

Thea (12) invites you to her wedding

In Europe we have no idea how many young girls all over the world are forced into marriage. We don’t know what these girls go through. But what if the problem was closer to home? What if a girl from, say, Norway has to marry at the age of 12? Thea started a wedding-blog. “Hey!…

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NO by Gael Garcia Bernal

NO becomes NOW! Creative bootcampNO wordt NOW! Creative bootcamp

Chile, 1988. Years of oppression under the regime of Pinochet. The man responsible for killings, torture, disappearances and financial malpractice. Pressured by internationale politics, he scheduled a referendum. Vote SI to agree that Pinochet remains the political leader, vote NO for change. The film NO is about this age in Chilean history. Advertising talent Rene Saavedra is…

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