Didi's Blog

About transmedia and other pretty cool stuff

Zappmissie: Lost in the Game. Foto: annemieke van der togt

Another Zapp mission: Lost in the Game

Virtual reality games, gladiator fights and live stream escapes, it’s all part of Lost in the Game, a fictional storyworld that manifests itself in many different ways. It has become an annual tradition, after the Zappendael Case, the Hidden Island and the Secret of Eyck, Zapp brought a new and exciting mission this year. For…

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Karakters 'Hun Eerste Keer' in graphic novel stijl.

Their First Time

The youth finds it difficult to indicate their sexual wishes and boundaries. Dutch sexual health organization Soa Aids Nederland wanted to teach these teenagers how to talk about what they want and, even more important, what they don’t want. This is quite a task since teens refuse to listen to patronizing messages. Woedend! developed an…

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